Heat treatment system 1080℃±10℃, 4h, air cooling +840℃, 24h, air cooling +760℃, 16h, air cooling.
Varieties, specifications and status
It can produce bars, profiles, forgings, rings, thick plates, thin plates, strips, pipes, wires, sand castings, precision castings and fasteners, etc., which are usually delivered without heat treatment, and the plates are delivered after solution treatment.
Melting and casting process
The alloy adopts vacuum induction plus vacuum arc remelting process.
Application overview and special requirements
This alloy is widely used in aviation engine gas turbines in China, mainly used as rotating parts such as turbine blades and turbine disks, and has mature use experience. Due to the high cobalt content of this alloy, it is rarely used in China.
1.1. Material brand
1.2. Similar brands
Waspaloy (USA), NC20K14 (France)
1.3. Technical standards of materials
Z9-0106 1986 "Provisional Technical Specifications for GH738 Alloy Bars for Turbine Shaft 8"
Q/6S1035-1992 "GH738 Alloy Bars for High-temperature Fasteners"
09-1986 "Technical Specifications for Trial Production of GH738 Alloy Flue Gas Machine Discs"